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 重なり合う時間 - Tusen Tankar (A Thousand Thoughts)

 ここ数日、クロノス・クァルテットのビデオをよく見ています。これは今年(2011年)の5月に、グラスゴーの「ハミルトン霊廟(Hamilton Mausoleum)」という世界最長の残響(15秒)を持つことで有名なドームで演奏されたもの。

 とてつもない残響の中で演奏されているのは、スウェーデン民謡の「Tusen Tankar (A Thousand Thoughts)」。弦楽四重奏への編曲はクロノスとリョーヴァが行っているようです。

Traditional - Sweden
Tusen Tankar (A Thousand Thoughts) [unknown/arr. 2005]
Arranged by Kronos Quartet
Transcribed by Ljova

Tusen Tankar is a traditional Scandinavian folk song, which recounts a timeless, mournful tale of unrequited love. Kronos’ arrangement is based on a recording by the Swedish folk band, Triakel, built around the haunting vocals by Emma Härdelin. Triakel consists of Emma Härdelin (vocals), Kjell-Erik Eriksson (fiddle) and Janne Strömstedt (harmonium). All three are well-established in the forefront of Swedish folk music. According to Triakel, the first two verses of Tusen Tankar were taken from a version by Swedish singer Thyra Karlsson, while the third verse can be traced back to Danish origins.
